There might be several reasons why your website or blog isn't getting enough traffic. This is one of the most popular questions and there are several answers to the question " Why is my website or blog is not getting traffic" but the answers are not so simple.
In this, article we are going to discuss reasons for not getting traffic in a website or blog post.
Some of the factors also play an important role in generating website traffic such as the reputation of the author, age of the domain, content freshness and social media strategy to name few. But for most of the average website, problems lie far from these factors.
One of the most important factors affecting your website or blog traffic is search engine optimization ( SEO) for short. In past days SEO used to be a black box but it is much clear these days because Google has provided tons of clue on what it wants to see. Google's core algorithm is completely hidden but it provides some guidelines.
We most of the time we just focus on the keywords and nothing more but the guidelines provided by Google to their Search Quality Raters is 166 pages long that mentions about keyword, only seven times.
So, from this, it is clear that Google does not care much about your keywords but looks for expertise, authority and trustworthiness in your website.
If your traffic isn't getting the traffic you should focus on those factors:
• Expertise
Are you expert in your field and able to communicate with users in an engaging way?
• Authority
Why should people listen to you? Are you a trusted expert?
• Trustworthiness
Is your site clean, fast and secure?
These three factors form the core of search engine optimization (SEO) and poor SEO is the reason why your site isn't getting traffic.
Now, we are going to discuss 5 reasons why is your site not getting traffic
Reasons for not getting traffic to your website.
1. Your content may not be good enough
Google and other search engines contain algorithms that are very efficient in recognizing good content.
Your chances of ranking high in the Search Engine Result Pages ( SERPs) and receiving enough traffic is minimized if your content is not of high quality.
A few years ago, Search Engines could easily be tricked by sending some backlinks to your content and receive high rankings, which is not the case now.
Social media also plays great roles in ranking and traffic and you won't be able to perform well on those platforms with low-quality content.
We have talked about quality content, but what actually is quality content? Well, quality content has the following characteristics.
• Your content must satisfy all the SEO content tips which are known to work after Penguin and Panda.
• Your content must be published on a website with an existing number of indexed pages.
It is difficult for you to rank high even for quality content in case of a new website if there exist other bigger and older websites with the same content.
• Your content must be well-researched and unbiased. You will be losing your time if you publish re-written text or always write in favour of particular services, products or methods.
• Your content must be up-to-date ( fresh).
2. Your site loads too slow on Mobile
Google aims to deliver an awesome experience to all its users. Google wants to provide best recommendations for your search and nobody like slow loading websites. So, Google suppresses the site that doesn't load fast on mobile devices.
Google algorithm only checks mobile speed using a technology called Lighthouse which emulates a Nexus 5X smartphone to test sites.
So, make sure to target mobile speed because Google doesn't care even if your site is blazing fast on desktop.
Fix your site speed
Analyze your website using Lighthouse because they provide detailed reports stating factors responsible for slowing down your site. They will also provide you with basics about how to speed it up. You should be able to make your site AMP friendly. Most websites just need to take smaller steps like image size, removing unnecessary code and crazy fonts.
Be guided with Lighthouse report and get minimum performance score of 60. This makes Google likely to send you traffic because your site looks better in the eyes of Google's algorithm.
3. You got hit by Panda or Penguin
Panda and Penguin might be the completely new term for average blogger or webmaster. Those algorithmic changes are also responsible to affect ranking and traffic you receive from Google.
You can open Google Analytics to view when Google changed algorithm by analyzing the change in traffic and find an actual date on moz.com.
If date matches should take several actions to restore your traffic.
IF Panda or Penguin wasn't the case, but still didn't receive enough traffic, check out the list below.
• Your site still may be young ( less than 6 months old)
• Your site lacks content.
• You do not promote a website on social media.
• You focus traffic from search only or doing some other SEO mistakes.
4. You aren't producing enough content
You should focus on quality content as well as their quantity in a parallel fashion. You should be able to produce something new at least once a month. You are not showing your authority if you are not doing so. Blog post and traffic are always connected. You won't receive enough traffic if your blog is fallow.
How can we produce more and more content?
You should always come up with better ideas to produce more content. Marketing, as well as SEO content, need not be difficult.
Here are some tips that help you to produce more contents.
• Consider answering the question that prospect has asked you. If prospect wanted to know others definitely will want to know.
• Break down your content stepwise. How-to related content is easy to create and carries the potential to drive large web traffic.
• Put more and more examples in your content.
• You can offer cheat sheets, checklist and other useful content.
5. Background of your backlinks
Backlinks play a great role in your website authority. People always love to link to authoritative sources. You look more authorized if you have plenty of backlinks.
Most of the people even these days do backlinks in the wrong way which results in less traffic.
Something to keep in mind before building backlinks
• Do not buy links.
• Don't get links from unauthorized websites.
• Don't trade links non-organically.
How can you build backlinks?
If you are not receiving enough traffic, run your root domain through various backlinks checker tools like Ahrefs, SpyFu and Majestic to name few. You can check your competitor's site too and analyze what they have done that you haven't.
There are some strategies for building backlinks without buying them.
• Reach out to executives' alma maters and try to get placement in alumni pubs.
• Find a place for a guest blog that your competitors have already done.
• Respond to HARO queries on a regular basis.
• Produce quality content and links will come on their own.
If you are not getting enough traffic, don't worry. Try building authority, trust and expertise on your content and field.
Always get focused on:
• Your site's mobile performance.
• Quality content.
• Building organic backlinks.
• Content production
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